31 May 2009

Four Moms, Two Friends, and Fish at a Floating Market

Woah...it's been a while.  But now that you know my schedule (maybe...I go to prison MR and to English class at Prathunam TWFS).  I think I'll abandon a rigid replay of the day by day, but I'll definitely keep you up with the highlights!  This also may mean that I actually think of titles for these posts...maybe...

So, Thursday I went to a different prison with Mark and Charlotte.  This art class is only about 6 students but they've been taking the class for a few years now and are oil painting.  Then they sell the paintings.  Most if not all of them are Christians.  I got to talk to the leader of the group, Boy (a pretty common nickname actually), just about random stuff.  He's getting out in a few months, so they're talking about that transition and what it will mean for the other guys.  

Update:  The class Charlotte teaches on Monday and Friday mornings in the maximum security prison is made up of the big dogs, the drug lords with long sentences.  I think they said there are about 33 of them in the building, so I don't how many take the class, but since this Friday was the last class, they did an invitation and 19 of them responded!  How amazing is that?!  Definitely be praying for them.

Friday evening I went to the Friday Night Life program and was the only native English speaker in the group.  It was a lot of fun though.  Afterward, this older lady told me I did a very good job and that she had a gift for me.  She gave me a coin that was made to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the king's ascension to the throne.  That was really great!  I told you these people are nice!  After that a few of us went out to eat and that was a lot of fun too.

Saturday was one of the best days so far!  After the morning English class, six of the students took me out to eat!  Here's the class:
We went to the floating market, but I didn't actually get to see any of the market wah wah....but maybe another time.  We rode the bus to get there.  And this lady, Ote, said that they all would be my moms while I'm here :)  So I call her Mom Ote, she is so nice and we all had so much fun.

We ate this whole roasted fish and several other dishes.  They wouldn't let me pay....again, they are so nice!  They ask if I like Thai food and I say yes.  Then they ask if I like spicy food and I say, "a little spicy."  Then they tell me which sauces are spicy.  I went to try one any way and someone stopped me and said, "You cannot eat."...She was probably right.

This is me in front of the market.  The restaurant was on a boat, but the market is not right there next to it.

This is Joe whom I told you about.  Keep praying for him.

Oh, and some random guy behind us I didn't mean to get in the picture, oh well.
Here is me with all my moms! (except Lek, second from left, she's not old enough :)

Here is a stand at the market that sold orchids....lots and lots of orchids...less than 50 cents a bundle!  

Today I went to New Vision Church again and before I went up I saw Chuan, a guy I met the week before at Friday Night Life.  I think he was supposed to have a class or something (the church is on the fifth floor (or really the fourth floor because the ground floor doesn't count) or the BSC), but I said I was going to church upstairs.  So he came with me.  I know he's a Buddhist because he said so and because he always will wai a spirit house when he passes one.  This is common.  The wai is the traditional Thai greeting in which one places his/her hands together in front of the face and bows from the neck.  Usually Buddhist wai the spirit houses or statues as they pass, but anyway, Chuan came to church this morning.  I don't know how long he's been taking classes at the BSC, but this was the first time he's come to church.  Pray for him.

After church they serve lunch, but as one girl said, "It was not delicious."  So I went out to eat with her (I think her name is Bet) and a guy, Mon, both of whom I met today.  I had Pad Thai for the first time since I've been here!  It was really good too.  Then we went to see the new Terminator movie (in English with Thai subtitles).  After the previews a screen comes on that says, "Please pay respect to the king."  So everyone stands and they play a slideshow of pictures from his life.  It was actually really cool.  The Thai people love the king!  It is illegal to say anything bad about the monarchy, but you can still tell the respect is genuine.  They really love him.  Also, because his picture is on all money, you can't step on a coin to stop it from rolling.  Anyway, I had a really good time with them too.  Bet has been a Christian for 10 years now, but Mon is a Buddhist.  Pray for both of them.

Well, that was a long update, but a lot has happened.  Things are going really well.  I'm getting comfortable with everything and beginning to relax!  Thanks for reading!



    I'm excited.

    Sorry for the lack of comments lately...I didn't realize you would be posting blogs so often! I will try and keep up. :-)

    We miss you Timothy!

    Sa wa dee, krap!

  2. Hey Timothy!!!!! soooo glad to hear your doing good and love to read about all your adventures in Thailand! I will be praying for you and the names you have mentioned!! take care!

    Kristen McMahill

  3. Timothy,
    Love the pictures of you and the Thai people and of the places you go. Pictures of the food... not so much! :) How about a picture of a DQ ice cream cone? haha

    I was telling your mom yesterday that I think you are so brave to go over there by yourself this time. You are still on my phone and we are praying for you and your requests.

    Alex's graduation is tonight. When you come home, he will be a freshman! Whoa!

    Please know we are all checking out your blog everyday even if we don't comment. But, I will try to do better now that school is just about over.

    Have a great evening! :)

  4. Well I know I should be commenting on all your amazing experiences and the wonderful people you are meeting and serving but, um, THOSE ORCHIDS!!!! So pretty. So cheap.

    Timothy. I need them.

  5. Wow, cool stuff. Just to keep you up to date on Salem happenings--Kristen McMahill had shoulder surgery again. We too are attempting to minister to a young man in prison--Tim Smith. He will be following along with the same SS material as we use on Sundays. Please pray for him as he is trying to change his life and get away from drugs.

    It sounds as if you are having lots of king incidents and you don't have all of us to yell at you each time you mention the king. "long live the KING" Gayla

  6. Timothy!
    This is the first time I've read your blog, and I'm amazed! It looks and sounds like your having a wonderful time...your such an inspiring person. I hope you continue to have fun! I miss you and will be checking back in later :)
    -Melissa Landwehr

  7. Timothy...or Timmy :)!!! Oh my goodness...the pics are AMAZING! The food looks so delicious and the flowers are beautiful. I wish I was there with you. :) Eat some good food for me. Can't wait to hear more about your trip on your blog. Take care and good luck. Jess Vanderwood

  8. Wanting to Watch "The King and I" now...June 1, 2009 at 4:17 PM


    I'm lovin' the pics. Most definitely! I'm really jealous that you're having such an awesome wicked time while I'm stuck working day after day after day.

    I'm still kind of in shock that you're getting to work with drug lords, that's intense stuff. Like yikes! :-/

    And I love that you've been adopted, that's so awesome! (and cute as course). Oh and when you said "wah wah" I totally could hear you in my head saying that. I'm just like...aww that's totally Timothy talk.

  9. Well, I guess you all liked the longest post ever! Thanks for the comments.
    Aaron: Yes! The best Pad Thai I've ever had, of course. I didn't really know how often I'd be updating the blog, so it looks like this. lol.

    Kristen: Thanks for reading. I hope you can picture some of it in your head! Thanks for the prayers and I hope your shoulder is healing!

    Aunt Denice: I definitely could include a pic of DQ if you want, lol. Hope Alex's graduation went well. (Actually, it may be happening right now). Anyway, thanks for the prayers and for leaving my lovely picture on your phone :) Have fun finishing school!

    Kara: I actually thought of you when I took that picture! lol. thought you'd enjoy. I told them that orchids are really expensive in the States, and they thought that was funny. Thanks, as always, for reading!

    Gayla: Thanks for the update! That's awesome that you all are getting a taste of prison ministry too! Thanks for reminding me to pray for Timmy. Yeah, so far, no major king incidents. Once I dropped a coin, but I remembered to chase after it...in the grocery store...probably looked like a moron, but what can you do?

    Melissa: Thanks for reading and commenting! And thanks so much for the encouragement. I really am having a wonderful time! I miss you too, and will tell you all about it next year!

    Jess: Now why would you call me Timmy?! lol. I'm glad you like the pics! You are right, the food has been great so far, well, except the salted duck eggs...I wish you were here too. I haven't wished I was home yet, but I always wish that everyone at home were here! Thanks for reading!

    Katie: Glad you like the pics, and just remember, I may be having fun, but you're making money. That might help a little. And your chance will come! To clarify: I don't go in to where the drug lords are, I'm in a different building, but it's still great to hear the news about them. I love that I've been adopted too! (you would love that you old church lady, you :) Haha...I'm glad you could hear my voice in it too!

    Thanks everyone for reading, and especially for your prayers; My last few days have been awesome and I know that's why!

  10. Oh little brother,
    What a lovely summer vacation you seem to be having! I'm glad that you're eating well...I was a little worried about you being a picky eater and all. I'm pretty sure I would have a hard time finding stuff to eat...I do not eat whole fish like that. :(
    Baby Hannah is saying lots and lots now. I'm going to try & get a video up of her so you can enjoy it. I'm sure you miss seeing her make her muscles. ha Little baby Stu #2 must be growing like crazy b/c I'm getting fat already...I'm not sure you'll recognize me when you come home!
    We'll keep praying for you & you keep being careful and meeting new people!
    Love you!
    Oh, and Lizzie & Cooper wanted to say Hello & that they miss you too! :)

  11. O Big (and getting bigger all the time) Sister,
    I am having a great summer, and it was Saturday afternoon! Vacation type stuff is perfectly allowed. I am eating well, surprisingly. I was worried to, but by the grace of God, it's really not bad. I remember you not eating whole fish (Christmas dinner at Village Garden circa 2006). There were other options though.
    I'm sure Hannah is saying a lot! I can't wait to catch up with all of it. A video would be great! haha...I'm sure I will still recognize you, but I'm excited to see the fatness! lol.
    Thanks for the prayers, and will definitely keep being careful and meeting new people. Tell Lizzie and Cooper hi. And Chad and Hannah of course.
    Love you too!

  12. Yes, I have pictured all the things I remember that we all did. Thanks for thinking of my shoulder!!! It's slowly healing!! lol

  13. Timothy!! As my time is drawing short here in America, I just knew you would have a new post for me to read!

    I am praying to not have to eat something that resembles that fish in your picture. We'll see though. haha.

    You look like you're doing so well and you're a lucky guy to have someone named "Bet" that can remind you of me!! haha.

    Enjoy the next 3 weeks. I'll check back then providing I don't have AIDS from the orphans I'll be spending so much time with. I'm staying a week by myself there. We're too old, my dearest, Timothy. Just too old.

    Say some prayers. Mine are with you.

    Wishing you were here to share in some awkward laughs before I'm off. ~Beth

  14. Kristen: I figured you would. I'm glad the shoulder is getting better!

    Beth: The fish was much better than it looked! It tasted like normal fish despite what it looked like. I am doing well, and I couldn't help but think of you when I met Bet. lol. You will not have AIDS! Geeze, calm down. lol. I saw that you will be there a week by yourself. We are old, but it means great things. I will be praying. Have a great and safe time!
