15 May 2009

I made it!

It may be always sunny in Philadelphia, but it was certainly rainy in Bangkok. And I thought the rainy season didn't start for another month. (Incorrect belief about Thailand #1) I arrived in Bangkok this morning around 10:30 local time (conviently 10:30pm Thursday CDT) and Joe and Jeanie met me there and took me back to their house where I'll be staying for about three weeks. Joe and Jeanie are currently the volunteer coordinators for Bangkok, and since I'm the only volunteer coming this summer, I guess I am all there is to coordinate! Well, I'm sure they do other stuff too....

Jeanie cooked lunch, then I unpacked, then we went to a grocery store (like every big grocery store here it's kinda like a super Walmart with a food court (Dairy Queen, KFC, and Starbucks included!) and other random stores). I think I can remember how to get there from their house. This will be an important skill when I'm house sitting for them while they're in Turkey visiting their daughter. But today was certainly information overload. Luckily I don't have to function much on my own until Monday. Tomorrow I'm going to the weekend market and probably learning a million other new things!


  1. You didn't tell me there was a Dairy Queen there! I might have gone with you! :)

  2. From Mrs. Chapman's class:
    Hi!! Thanks for all the information. We're glad you made it safe. How's Thailand? We think you're awesome!!!!!! And we like your blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Write back soon. :)

  3. Starbucks? Puh-lease. I wanna hear stories about eating cow brains and horse knees.

    Otherwise, nice post. Ha!

    Now start eating weird stuff! And Pad Thai!

  4. I'm so excited that you made it over there okay and are already finding your way around!!!

  5. Thanks for the comments guys!
    Aunt Denice: While there are many other reasons you should come to Thailand, I will accept a DQ fix as a valid one!

    Mrs. Chapman's Class: Thanks for reading; I'm glad you like the blog! Things are good so far: different, new, busy, but good.

    Aaron: Starbucks are everywhere here...and I don't mind. btw, first size on the menu: short. Then tall, then grande, and they serve them in real mugs unless you order it to go. So far no cow brains or horse knees (can one eat a knee?), but you'll be the first to know when that happens. No pad Thai either so far!

    Jamie: Thanks for reading! And keep praying about that! It's intimidating; Bangkok is a big city, but so far I've been okay. I even managed to get back to the house today in a taxi!

  6. STARBUCKS! BAH! I'm stuck in southern IL without Starbucks...oh how life is no fair! And KFC? hmmm...should of printed Oprah's coupon and eaten for free! haha. Jk.

  7. O Katie...surely will get your Starbucks fix somehow. haha...I don't know if Oprah's coupon will work internationally...lol. btw, I liked your name when you commented on the other post, I forgot to tell you that because I was still laughing at the dream!
