20 May 2009

Days 5-6

Well Yesterday was the first day I had rice for two meals in the same day, but I have a feeling it won't be the last. . .

In the morning, I went to Pratunam Center to help with an English class. The class runs at least five times a week and most of the people either have shops there or work in the area. The classes are designed to teach "English through entertainment" so there's singing and interaction and whatnot. The students run on Thai time so they just show up whenever...never at 10:30 when the class is scheduled to start :) There are about 8 students and the class is pre-Basic level, so much of is is in Thai and I just sit and listen. I will be doing a five minute time at the beginning of each class in which only English is allowed. Pray for me in that. I basically just have to talk about whatever for five minutes and hope some of it is understandable!

I ate lunch at Big C (basically another shopping center with small stores and a grocery store); there's a Thai food court upstairs. Luckily I had been to a similar one last year so I knew how it worked! You have to go to a counter and put money on a card. Then you get whatever you want from the food court and they take the value off the card (then you can get the balance off the card when you're done). There weren't many Westerners up there, so I could help but think of myself, "Look at the stupid American running around trying to figure this out." Luckily I also could laugh at that thought!

I went back to the office after that and did some work there. Later, Joe took me to the Well (I'll tell you more about that later) so I would know how to get there when I have to lead a couple that are coming from the States to work there in July. It is a little farther off the main ways I've traveled, so it's a good thing. We rode the SkyTrain (an elevated train, go figure) to the end then walked a ways until we got on a songtao. A songtao is basically a covered pickup truck with seats in the back. It was awesome!! By far the coolest and most unique mode of transportation thus far. And it only cost 6 baht (that's about 20 cents) for as far as you need to go!

Today looked much the same except that instead of going to the well I went to a discipleship class at Pratunam Center. One woman who is in the English class I go to in the morning just became a Christian about three months ago and so has been coming to this class. Another man from the English class came tonight for the first time. That is great news; pray that he will find truth in Jesus through these classes! And pray for that woman that her faith will grow like crazy!

I know, I promised pictures soon, but I'll just have to renew that promise...maybe next time!


  1. I'm so glad that you're not too much like me...I almost had a panic attack just thinking about having to go to the food court and not know what I was doing! :) Although, the pregnant version of me probably wouldn't have cared so much...food trumps all right now!

    We'll be praying for all the people you're meeting. And, you're off the hook on the pics as long as you promise us that you're taking them and just not posting them!
    Love you!

  2. I just love reading your blog. Keep the updates coming!!!

    Pictures Timothy. Pictures.

  3. I can't believe how you are already seeing God work around you!! What an awesome experience!!! Probably couldn't have done that in Centralia! ;) And I just realized you are like me--not sure I could have done the whole food court thing without knowing what I was doing. I will be praying for the people you are meeting as well as for you.
    Oh and btw, you better be singing every chance you get!!

  4. In the land of no StarbucksMay 21, 2009 at 11:28 AM

    I'm pretty sure you need to just take over the singing portion of the class. OR! Maybe you could sing during your first five minutes. Teach them a really easy English song.

    And boy, I tell you. You really do have guts going off in Thailand all by yourself! I would have never had the guts to figure out a Thai foodcourt all by my lonesome! Songtao sounds pretty nifty too!

    And yay for people hearing about Jesus! That's just excitingly awesome! =] And make sure you're keeping your picture taker busy!!

    And no, sadly no funny dreams to report on. Though, I have given up caffiene! Lol. Being sick, I went through caffiene withdrawl without really knowing it. HA! So, now its decaff all the time. So weird not getting a caffiene kick after drinking coffee...

  5. SarahFae: I could hear you in the back of my mind saying, "I can't handle this; it's stressing me out!" lol. But it was that or starve (or eat KFC but that seems like cheating and it's more expensive). Haha...the pregnant version of you cracks me up! Thanks for your prayers for everyone; and I did take pics yesterday, so they'll be up soon!

    Kara: Thanks Kara! I'm glad you like it; it's good to hear that it is worth my while. And pictures soon; I promise!!!

    Mom: Definitely couldn't have ridden a songtao in Centralia! God is already doing great things here and it's so good to hear those stories.

    Katie: Perfect post name! lol. Thanks; but so far no major singing experiences. Thanks for the idea to teach a song though! Thanks for thinking I'm brave, but I did at least eat at a Thai food court last year, so I kinda knew how it worked. I have used my new picture taker (and I lol'ed when I read that!) The caffiene thing is probably good, and it is probably a good excuse to tell yourself since you have no Starbucks access! lol.

    Take care, all.

  6. Dear Timothy,
    We miss you! We would like to know if we can come to Thailand on a field trip? You rock and have an awesome summer (in Thailand while we stay here and be bored from Tyler)> We all say Hi!!
    Mrs. Chapman's class

  7. Ooooh, the thought of a Thai food court makes me hungry. Pad Thai? Yes please.

    When you say that you had rice twice in one day, what do you mean by that? What kind of rice?

    Maybe I shouldn't have commented while hungry...

  8. Mrs. Chapman's class: Sure!! Come on over! Just don't expect me to pay for that! lol. I recommend that everyone come to Asia sometime in their life. It's good to know what it's like to feel like a foreigner, to be completely unfamiliar with your surroundings. Thanks for the well wishes!

    Marilee: you. too. Lol! Good to hear from you. Hope your summer has started off well.

    Aaron: I'm not surprised. lol. So far no Pad Thai though...but we'll see. There's too much else to choose from! And yeah, for lunch crispy pork (not really sure what that is and probably better not to ask) on rice with some sort of barbeque type sauce. Then for supper I just had American style beef and rice. But Friday I had rice for lunch with various meets and sauces (including squid and beef curry) and then chicken fried rice (or cao pak gine in Thai) for supper so that definitely counts. And well, your hunger resulted in a basic Thai food explanation so maybe it was worth it...and maybe it was pointlessly boring, oh well.

    Everyone: I have pictures, but I'm having problems loading them since my computer won't connect to the internet. Hoping to try at Starbucks tomorrow!
