25 May 2009

Days 8-9

Friday meant another day at prison (at, not in so to speak).  I rode a motorcycle taxi (yikes!  but cheap!) to the SkyTrain to the subway and met two new guys who work in the prison ministry.  We went back to the same one I went to Monday and did pretty much the same thing.  I went with a man named Gary for the morning and he led a Bible study.  He's in Thailand for eight months (I think) with a group called Bible Study Fellowship which pretty much just tries to start Bible studies.  I was in a different building, but this also was a group of mostly Nigerian men.  Many of them have been saved after being in prison.

After lunch there (which included squid, yay.), I went to Charlotte's art class.  I gave a little devotional thing, but then got to talk to Jesse just for a few minutes.  I don't know when it happened, I asked him and he didn't know when it became "a conscious decision," but he had decided to baptized.  How awesome!  Charlotte said, "yeah, he's come back to the Lord."  Can you imagine God using imprisonment in Thailand to bring an American prodigal to Himself?!  That is some amazing love he has, indeed, that he'd go to those lengths.

Then Friday night I went to Friday Night Life, an English program at the BSC.  I was there early, though, and got to talk to one of the teachers there.  Ms. Lorena is 88 years old and has been in Bangkok teaching English only since 2002.  She loves it here, really considers it home.  She said she returned to San Diego for five months a little while ago and didn't like it; she missed Bangkok.  "I just have so many friends here," she said.  She also talked about her "kids," a group of Thais she used to have over to house and cook for, they could practice their English and she would teach Bible stories.  That is so amazing how she's invested in their lives like that.

(Gayla and Sheri:  guess who was at English Corner?  That history man who wore you out last year!  lol.  He talked to me for a while, but luckily not too long.  Thought you would like to know he's still around!)

Saturday I went to Prathunam again for an English class.  This weekend class is mostly different students, most of which know a little more English than those during the week.    After class, many of the students stayed and talked for a little while and discussed going out to eat next Saturday after class.  That will be awesome!  I can't wait!!!  I also got to meet Joe.  Joe is a 28 year old Thai engineer.  He speaks pretty good English too.  We went out to eat and to Starbucks after class.  As we were walking there he asked me why I came to Thailand, etc.  So there I was walking down a busy street in Bangkok (in the blazing hot weather of course) telling this man a mini-testimony.  It was pretty cool actually.  I'm really looking forward to getting to know him.  He said flat-out, "I'm Buddhist,"  but he's been to church a few times and he takes classes at the BSC.  Definitely be praying for him and for me as I get to know him.


  1. We will definitely be praying for Jesse and Joe! How exciting! And of course, we're praying for you, too. :)

  2. How hot is it exactly? Sounds like you're getting pretty acclimated! Miss you!

  3. WOW Timothy!!! it sounds like you are in for an amazing summer and only 9 days into it! I will definitely be praying for you and that God will use you to show His awesomeness to those there in Bangkok. can't wait ot see those pics! :)

  4. Back to Running and Free from Mono!May 26, 2009 at 4:50 PM

    AWESOME! =]. Every day is such the adventure for you!! Ms. Lorena reminds me of what Mrs Anna (from King and I) would be like when she was in her late 80s. SO COOL! What awesome people you're getting to meet Timothy, I'm so totally jealous!

    I'm also very jealous you get to go to Starbucks after class...its been now 17 days without coffee!! AH!

    Did you like the squid? I've actually had dried squid before. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever had in my entire life.

  5. Hey, thanks for the post about the "History Man". He sure can wear you out but you've got to love him anyway!!He obviously gets some need met while he is at the BSC. It is so cool when you talk about specific places and people because in my mind I can picture those places and of course the "History Man". I am going to email you a couple of name and see if you ever run across them in English class. Have Linda take you to the place around the corner from BSC that she took Sheri and I for ice cream--it was yummy!!!I am praying for you and the people you have mentioned. Gayla (wishing I was there!)

  6. Aunt Denice: Thanks for the prayers; they really could use them! I'll keep you updated.
    SarahFae: It is probably mid 90s everyday, but the humidity is really high and it rains everyday. They say you get acclimated after a while, but I'm not so sure...
    Anna: Thanks for reading! Things have been really great so far. And thanks for your prayers.
    Katie: Free from Mono? that's great! You would love Ms. Lorena, she is so awesome, and all the other missionaries at the BSC call her Mom. 17 days with no coffee?! This could be a record. Congratulations! And Starbucks here is just as much as it is at home so I don't have it that often cause it's expensive. The squid was not too bad; I like squid actually...I won't go into the details because it could be gross, but the sauce wasn't the greatest. But dried squid does sound disgusting! lol.
    Gayla: I thought you would enjoy hearing about him! lol. He really is not too bad, I just thought it was funny that he's still around and still just the same! I try to mention those places just for you guys! I know no one else knows what I'm talking about, but at least there are a few of you who do. I will gladly see if I recognize any of the names. And good ice cream sounds great! I'll have to ask Linda! Thanks for they prayers!

  7. Hi Timothy, Seeing your pictures and reading your blog makes me want to be back there and brings back all of the sounds and smells of Bangkok. The pictures of the food you have been eating makes me hungry for Thai food! It sounds like you are having some awesome experiences.
    Hearing about the painting class at the prison reminds me of the class I went to. I will never forget that experience there and talking with those young women.
    I think it's cool that you got to talk to the history man again. And I'm sorry for you but I hope you will see him again!!
    There is a very pretty young woman Gayla and I met at English corner named Wii (cant remember if that's how it was spelled). Let us know if you run into her.
    I will continue to pray for you and the people there.
