26 May 2009

Days 10-11

I do have creative titles for these things don't I....and now I've set a pattern so I doubt I will be able to disturb it.

Sunday was relatively uneventful.  I went to New Vision Baptist Church (I was a little late, but so were some other people...).  I had to fill out a guest card and wear this bright orange tag that said 'visitor' in three languages.  Some of the songs I knew in English, but the whole service was in Thai...but they had headphones with a translator!...but they were broken...So I sat quietly and and prayed, or thought about whatever else came to mind.  At the end of the service, they were calling people's names and they stood up, the camera came to them, and people clapped.  Then I realized these were visitors and I was going to be next.  Sure enough, the guy speaking says something in Thai then, "Timothy Chapman from First Baptist Church Salem."  O geeze!  So I stood and bowed politely.

I had lunch there after the service and sat by John, one of the directors (sort of) of the Baptist Student Center and we discussed some ways I'll be helping there.  (He has a six year old son named Timothy, btw.)  Then he took me to the office where I helped Joe and Jeanie finish packing.  Told you it was uneventful.  After we got back I went to Starbucks where I still had no luck posting pictures on here.  Luckily, there is wireless internet at the office, so I'm planning on taking my computer there tomorrow and get this picture thing going!

Monday I went back with Mark and Charlotte to the same prison.  The prisons are interesting.  After going through two gates, you have to go through a metal detector, then get frisked (twice Monday as it turned out) then go through about three more gates before getting to the buildings where the prisoners are.  Usually by the time we leave, they are taking out the trash so it's a test to see just how long you can hold your breath!  The showers are right behind the room where we have art class in the afternoon.  Jesse said as soon as we leave it's a mad dash to get a shower!

Pray for the African guys in the morning Bible study, pray especially for freedom from bitterness and hope in the future.  Many of them really want to learn more, but their opportunities are limited.  In the afternoon I went to the art class and gave a short devotional.  Pray that God would give me words to say if I continue doing that.  I got to talk to Jesse some more and he seems to be doing really well all things considered.  Of course, keep praying for him too.

I hate to give any hope, but maybe pictures tomorrow!


  1. LOL! I was just thinking after the last post about the titles... and I thought, "...but Timothy probably won't change it now that he has started that way!" :)

    Glad to hear about all your days, even the "uneventful" ones.

  2. Maybe you could start small by leaving off the word "day" at the beginning--or not putting the number at the end. Then it would just say "day"--which of course in your world would mean you couldn't write about anything you did say after 5:00 in the evening.

    Seriously, love hearing about your days. It helps out here you know (at least it helps me!)

    Sounds like you are getting more comfortable and that God is using you already.

    Keep the posts coming!
    Love you lots,

  3. Pink and Fabulous and Caffiene Free!May 26, 2009 at 4:56 PM

    Oh yes, Sunday. What a horribly uneventful day...not like you're in THAILAND or anything. Geeze. lol. I'm pretty sure it is impossible for you to have a boring day seeing as you are in the Land of Thai. LOL.

    (OH MY! Timothy, I got the saddest thing in the mail. I got my letter of termination notice from the school. =[. It kind of made me sad!)

    And I would have totally missed my name being called. So, kudos to you for paying a little attention! Tho, maybe no one would of known it was you. Just of kept sitting down and everyone would of been looking around for "Shampoo". =P

    And two words for the prison. Awkward Turtle.

    I think how you're working with many African people. Maybe, I'll meet some Thai people on my trip!! haha.

  4. Aunt Denice: You know my obsessive compulsive ways too well! haha
    Mom: Haha...we'll see what happens with the titles. glad you're interested even in the boring days! Things are getting a little more comfortable, which is a great help! Love you.
    Katie: Good point; I am in Thailand! haha...way to see the bright side in the Land of Thai :) Termination notice= :( that is sad. Haha...I think it was God telling me the whole name being called thing because there is no other way I could have figured that out! lol. Shampoo...o goodness. Yeah, the prison bathroom situation is pretty awkward. Well put. haha...Most of the Africans are Nigerian, but definitely let me know if you meet any Thais! lol.
