09 June 2009

Yes, I speak Thai...

I got lost today.

Well, kind of. This morning I was going to Prathunam Center for English class as usual. Since now I'm staying at the Guest House, I rode the canal boat with David. This was pretty easy. And very packed. But it was cool. Here's a picture of the boat coming.

The canal boats are cheaper than they SkyTrain, closer to the Guest House, and closer to Prathunam Center, so really way to get there. We got to Prathunam and began this term in the same way that class always goes. The two ladies that took me sight seeing last Tuesday are there again. They said that something we ate then made them sick. Whatever it was, it didn't bother me. Funny how that works, huh? Apparently my street food prayers are working! After class I went to eat at Big C and David went back to the Guest House. After I had finished eating, I decided to be brave once in my life and just try the canal boat by myself. I had never ridden it back to the Guest House so I wasn't exactly sure how that would go, but I figured I might recognize the buildings in the area or if I missed the stop I could just get off at the next one.

Or, as it happened, many, many stops later. They don't stop at every stop unless someone is prepared to get on or off. Plus there is a plastic sheeting up on the sides to prevent the water from splashing you. So it's hard to see exactly where you are. Anyway, I finally got off (after a turn in the canal, just enough to really throw off my sense of direction) and just started walking. I really had no idea where I was and for good reason, because I don't think I've ever been in that part of the city. Eventually I found my way to a main road and then one that looked even bigger. My plan was to walk until I found Sukhumvit (the main road near where I'm staying) or until I got tired, then I'd just get a taxi. This main road ended up being more like an highway really, and was super busy. I walked for a quite while and then I got to a place where I couldn't really walk any further due to sidewalk construction so I decided (as I was literally dripping sweat) to get a taxi.

"Bai Sukhumvit Soi sip-sam?" I asked. (That's right! I asked if he could take me there all in Thai!) Which brings me to another point. It really was the providence of God that I knew how to say that. I'm sure I've heard it before, but I was thinking this morning on the way to Prathunam about how I couldn't remember how to say 'thirteen' in Thai. I could remember three, but not thirteen. When David was talking to the students in Thai I hear him say "sip sam" and remembered that that was it. So God reminded me within hours of when I would need to use that. The taxi driver nodded, so off we went. Which brings me to yet another point. It started raining within about two minutes of me getting in the taxi. God has perfect timing.

It was a good little ride back, about 25 minutes I'd guess. But I got back, finally. That was enough adventure for one day, so I've spent the afternoon working on an excel document that will be used at a meeting in July. So, no worries, everyone! If I get lost, there's always a taxi driver who can interpret my broken Thai and get me home.

A recap of my weekend goes like this: Friday I didn't do much, got a little work done (a PowerPoint I'm working on for someone) and then hung out, I guess.

Saturday, I went to the weekend market (JJ Market) by myself because I wanted to make sure I could get there and have some idea how to lead some folks around when they come to Bangkok in July. And it looks like I'm going to get to do some more of this 'research.' As part of my preparation for them, I need to make sure I can get them into the tallest building in Thailand and around China Town. I think I can handle this 'work.'

Sunday I went to New Vision Church again and hung out with some Thai friends that afternoon until we went to JJ Market again. This was fun. There was a guy at church from Denmark. He is here on vacation for two weeks and just found the church online. I think he is the first Dane I have ever met. His name is Ole (sounds kinda like Spanish 'hola') and he's a new Christian. Pray that he would grow in his faith. It think he had a good time; I certainly did. We also went to the flower market again and has supper on the street. It was really good though! We rode a taxi back. 'We' as in, all six of us. Doesn't take long to get to know people...

So things have been interesting, but are still going really well. Sorry there aren't more pictures, and maybe more story than you ever cared to know, but I hope you enjoy reading!


  1. Wow! Its good to know that even when your mom and I aren't there to help you with our keen sense of direction, that God is still there to help you find your way. heehee Seriously, that is a really cool story, especially the part about you needing to know the right words to say and being reminded that morning. Did it ever occur to you that nothing ever occurs to God? :)

    We love your posts no matter what you are telling us. We want to hear it all!

    I heard you talked to Uncle Stephen "yesterday". I think that was cool! Love technology!

    Your mom is excited about your appointment to Skype tonight. Hope all goes well!

  2. Zambia in 50 daysJune 9, 2009 at 9:50 AM

    Timothy!! O my! I can't believe you got lost! I would have been panicking immediantly!! Kudos to you for keeping your cool. Wow...what a good story. I love how things just happen to go in your favor...thankyou God for waiting on the rain and remembering some Thai! WHEW!

    And, you really are being brave wandering around Bangkok all by your lonesome. That's so crazy. Big cities intimidate me enough, let alone big cities on another continent!

    Glad to see you're having an exciting time tho! =] Southern IL is well...southern IL. Haha. Except I'm 21 now! WHOO! My family sent me 21 balloons to work, and they surprised me at home with a my little pony cake. The lady that made it, had a laugh that it was for a 21st birthday and not like a 5th bday. (went well with my disney princess plates =P). And my brother thought it'd be amusing to get me whale earings....oh and I got new cookbooks from my boss! Just another wonderful step to making my goal of being an old church lady who's famous for her cooking =].

    Keep truckin'...! And still praying for ya! Can't wait to see ya in August!

  3. You better be eating a lot as much walking as you're doing or you're going to come back skinnier than when you left! Nice that you get to work on excel while you're there...I would enjoy that! hehehe

    Anyways, nothing new to report here so we're glad you're having enough adventures for all of us! Love you!

  4. You got lost o my!! Yours sounds a little scarier then mine when I got left behind at the Skytrain last summer! lol Riding the boat I bet was fun ! I wish we could of last summer! Well talk to you soon!

  5. Isn't God funny how he can revel himself to us in the tiniest things, like the number 13!!!

    It sounds like your "work" is quite fun.

    Thanks for the update. Keep 'em coming!

  6. I think I'm glad I only knew about this story AFTER it happened! But then why should I worry when obviously God is watching over you! As Julie Chitty once said, "There's no safer place to be than in the center of God's will!"
    But I'm glad you felt that was enough excitement for one day!

    I'm sure you will be an excellent guide for the other groups when they come. Good luck with your 'work' before they get there.

    I'll keep praying for the street food issue. I know you are enjoying that part of your trip so I hope it continues to not bother you.

    We love your posts--keep them coming!
    Love you lots!

  7. Timothy! So I know I promised to stalk you, but i keep forgetting to leave comments! I promise I've been reading though.

    Let me just say. You getting lost and then knowing what you needed to say in Thai was totally a God-thing. Don't you just love God- things? AND, who knows? Maybe he had you go on that adventure for a reason you can't see now, but later, you will need the knowledge you gained from your little... adventure. haha.

    Also, thats super cool that some guy from denmark just came to your church randomly. :)

    I'm praying for ya, and keep the stories coming. I love hearing about everything there!:)

  8. Hey Timothy! I've finally had a chance to catch up on your blog. Over the past year I've fallen in love with the middle east and southest asia areas of the world... I envy you right now. Keep writing your heart out because I'm living vicariously (sp??) through you! I think taht area will be my nex venture once I master SPanish! :)

    I'll be leavign for Mexico in about 2 and a half weeks! I'll be there for 3 weeks doing speech therapy at an orphanage. I'm writing about stuff on my blog, so check it out too!

    I'm praying for you, buddy! And take a wrong turn every now and then.... it's good for ya ;)


  9. Hey!! Thanks, all, for the comments!

    Aunt Denice: yeah! If you and my mom were helping, we would have ended up in Laos! lol. It was cool how God prepared me even for that. (And I liked the Mark Lowry quote. That trip didn't shock him off his throne!) I'm still praying for Uncle Stephen and the guys in Haiti. I'm so excited for them! And I think the Skype thing went well. Thanks for checking in!
    Katie: I could have panicked, but somehow I stayed calm and all turned out okay! God is amazing though! And I never feel endangered in this city. It can be intimidating, but it's all okay. I can't believe you leave in less than two months! That's awesome. I'll be praying for you all. And your birthday party was perfectly you! Glad it was good, and that your on your way to achieving your dream! lol
    SarahFae: I am trying to eat! So far, no major food issues, praise God! And I think about you when I'm working on the excel sheet. "Is this what it's like to be an accountant?" lol. It's a schedule, so I am formatting it and making sure it looks good. Maybe not exactly the same...Keep me updated with the Stuehlmeyer world!
    Kristen: haha...I think it was. I thought of that time when you got left on the SkyTrain the other day. I still remember being like, "o my gosh, I hope she doesn't freak out and is okay." lol. Glad you were!
    Kara: God is simply amazing. I love to be reminded of that even if it takes getting lost in Bangkok for him to remind me. Most of the time "work" is fun, although right now I am doing real work, so the fun will start later, lol.
    Mom: haha...I knew you probably wouldn't want to hear that. But now you know that even if my "moms" aren't around, God is taking care of me :) That Julie Chitty is a wise woman. I can't wait to lead those people, that should be a lot of fun. Thanks for the food prayers! They're appreciated! Love you.
    Anna: Good to hear from you again! I do love God-things. And you're right, maybe there is some reason I just can't see yet. Great way of looking at this! And it is cool that Ole just showed up. It's been great to get to know him. Who knows who all I'll meet in Thailand?!
    Megan: It's great to hear from you! Yay Southeast Asia!! (I love the Middle East too, but that's a little harder to visit on a short-term mission trip.) I'm glad you're enjoying the blog. And this should definitely be your next venture! I'm all for that. You'll have an awesome time in Mexico, though. That will be awesome. I'll be praying. And thanks for your prayers. A wrong turn is nice every once in a while...:)
