13 June 2009

My Name's Timothy, But You Can Call Me 'Chirp Chirp'

Well, things have been much the same. I'll walk you through, though, since it's been a while.

After getting lost Tuesday (again, only kind of), I took the rest of the day pretty easy. I worked some on the computer that afternoon and then hung out the rest of the evening.

Wednesday I had English class at Prathunam Center in the morning, worked in the afternoon, and then went to the English Corner that evening. The monk was there again, so I helped him with the book he was reading. Meeting a monk was always one of those I-hope-I'll-get-to-do-that type of things, and I'm finding that more and more of these are coming true! This works well for me. Here we are:

Thursday I went to a women's prison where I'm now helping with a vocational English class. It was pretty fun. Mark went, but the lady that teaches it, Nelda, is from the Philippines. That means she's teaching a second language of her own. I assume she speaks at least three languages (Tagalog, English, and Thai). She does a great job, and it was a good time. That evening I went to the English Corner for a while before going to the last Alpha Class of the term. Be praying for those taking Alpha Classes. Some of them are new Christians, but many of them are just seekers, or want to know more about Christianity. Pray that they would find what they need.

Friday morning I went to the English class again, then to Friday Night Life, the English program at the BSC. There is a group of college students here from AR for two months who were there and I think will be helping frequently. Pray for their ministry here. They're helping with a new church and with university students mostly.

Today, I went to the English class again. I rode the boat there with David, but I think I'm done riding it back, at least by myself! Several of the students and I went out for lunch afterward. Mom Ote was there again and she gave me a nickname: "Gook Gook." That's the sound that a little chick makes. (Yes, animals don't make the same sound in every language!) I don't know why she picked that, but I guess I'll take it. Every Thai takes a nickname. Usually one syllable, they are sometimes Thai words (Lek means 'little'), sometimes English names or words.

I took the afternoon to catch up on my journal, then went out to eat with some friends, the same group from Sunday afternoons. We went to a Korean Bar-B-Que. It works like this: First, you get your raw meat, vegetables, and noodles:
Then you cook them in these bowls things over hot coals: (This is Lek, Joe, Ole, and Pae (whom I once thought was pronounced 'Bet'...oops...in my defense, 'p' and 'b' sound a lot alike in Thai!))

Then you take it out when it's done. Thai meals are very communal. It's very common for them just to put food on your plate so you can try it. There aren't often serving spoons, so you just use your own. Even for sauces. The most common silverware is a large spoon and a fork. You hold the spoon in the right hand and use the fork to push food onto the spoon. You don't usually put the fork in your mouth. But sometimes--for noodles (or nooden as it sounds, because no Thai word ends in 'l' so they often substitute an 'n') or in this case, Korean food--you use chopsticks. I'm not very good at this. But I'm learning quickly out of necessity! They do laugh at me though! This is octopus, which is better than jellyfish, but not as good as squid; take my word for it:

This is Jack and Meow (animal sounds must be common nicknames actually...):

And this is me and Sommart (also once thought to be Mon...Mart, Mon, they sound similar...right?):

I'm really having a great time getting to know all of them. They're so nice and so helpful and they're helping me learn Thai! I'm finally not so overwhelmed by the adjustment that I'm able to remember a little of what I hear. Pae even asked, "How long have you been here?" "Four weeks," I said. "Your Thai is very good." Now that is some good encouragement! Thai is a tonal language (like Chinese), so you must not only remember the letters or sounds, but the tone of the word too. If you get it wrong, they either don't understand, or you've said something other than what you meant to say (for instance 'dog' instead of 'doctor'). Good to know that I'm actually learning some!

Things are still going really well. I can't believe it's almost been a month! That doesn't seem possible. Thanks for reading, and more, thanks for your prayers.


  1. I'm glad your learning a lot more Thai then we did last summer! I'm sure its helping out a ton! I'm still praying for the ones you mentioned before!! and I'm so glad you got to meet a monk!! Remember last year when we were walking and we stumbled upon some and we were trying to take pictures of them!! lol and then I think we got out of that area fast because I think we thought it was illegal or somthing to take pics of monks lol..sooo glad your wishes are coming true!! Take care and ttyl! :)

  2. Dear Chirp Chirp,
    Love the monk picture! :)

    And I will definitely just take your word for it that octopus is better than jellyfish but not as good as squid. Blech! :-P

    I'm amazed at how many friends you have already made. I wonder if we would be as nice to someone visiting our town/country.

    Glad things are going well. It's good to see your pictures. We miss you!

  3. Chirp Chirp...you better keep eating or we'll keep the Chirp Chirp when you get home b/c you'll have bird legs! hehehe Yikes, good thing you like seafood. I would be in trouble. I am also amazed at how friendly everyone is. You have met a lot of people. Pretty good for an introvert! ha I'm glad you're having a good time & that you're getting time to write in your journal...I'm sure that helps your introverted self! Love you!

  4. and by the way.... your neck looks very long in the monk picture! :D

  5. I LOVE reading all your stories. I'm sure it feels like you are settled in and things are just normal but to us it all sounds very exciting!
    And I can't believe you won't eat corn but you will eat octopus!! But Aunt Denice is right-Blech!!

    I, too love all the pictures. When you come home do you think you could bring those people with you so we can meet them and make them feel as welcome here?

    ....and I think your neck looks so long because you are sitting next to the monk and apparently his neck has disappeared!

  6. You have one brave stomach!!! Glad to hear things are goin well.

    Oh chrip chrip. I have a feeling that one is gonna stick!


  7. Who would have thought, Chirp Chirp? You're in Thailand and I'm in Botswana. Yay for God and being pretty amazing! I'm so proud and it looks like you're doing well. When I saw the picture of you and the monk I had a littlle gasp because I knew you would die for an opportunity like that! What a lovely summer you're living. I can't wait to hear about it all. I hope that you feel loved and welcome and not a bit lonely. I'm praying for you. (Check facebook for an update on me if you're interested. They seem to think I NEED the internet so here I am at an AIDS center using the internet. WEIRD.) I'm so proud of you. You're experiencing amazing things in the 1040 window. Look at you! Have a great rest of the week. We should really find a way to SKYPE or something in the next few weeks. Miss you!

  8. Kristen: I'm glad I'm learning more Thai too! It helps a lot! Thanks for your prayers, that means a lot. And I do remember the mean monks last year! I thought of that when I had this picture taken. But I guess it was just them. Thanks for reading!
    Aunt Denice: Me too! And I'm sure you would not like any of those three seafood options. lol. My friends here are great, and I've wondered the same thing. We supposed to be the Christians, but I have a feeling we would not be nearly as nice as they have been. Definitely something to think about! And doesn't my neck always look long?
    SarahFae: I'm eating, I'm eating, sheesh! lol. And it wasn't all seafood, there was pork, beef, and chicken too. You're right, everyone is nice and I'm not doing too bad at opposing my introversion! The journal is great, but I'm about five days behind! yikes!
    Mom: Things do feel just like that. I know the schedule and how to get around so now I just get to have fun! And I will too eat corn! Believe me, I would love to bring all these people with me so you can meet them! Haha...my neck being long is apparently an internationally apparent thing.
    Kara: It's amazing what you'll eat when you're at God's mercy in Thailand. When in Rome... And you know, as accurate a translation as Chirp Chirp may be, Gook Gook is even better in my humble opinion. Not sure how I would feel about that sticking though....Thanks for your prayers!
    Beth: I know! Isn't God amazing?! I read your note and it looks like you're doing well too. Only one more week, huh? Make it a good one. You are right, the monk thing was pretty awesome. I appreciate your gasp :) yay 1040 window!! Have a great last week! And we should skype soon!

  9. Wow, a monk and you are in the picture this time!! Did he make you pay like they did Sheri when I took the picture of the dancers???lol Since I am getting ready to cover the chapter on culture in Sociology do you mind if I share some of the stuff from your blog especially since you have mentioned the food, words, etc.? We are praying for you!! Gayla

  10. Gayla: I know! I didn't have to use my 10X zoom and hope they didn't yell at me! lol. And no, he didn't make me pay (although that whole scene went through my mind). I would love for you to share some of my blog in class! I do love culture. haha...that's great. Thanks for your prayers!

  11. I GAVE IN AND HAD COFFEE YESTERDAY! AH!June 16, 2009 at 9:27 AM

    Wow! I'm LATE reading up on the adventures of Timothy in Thailand! I'm such a horrible ex-duty partner!! But it looks like you're up to no good, like usual. haha. JK! That's so cool you met a monk! Much better than the monk picture you've been showing off all year, eh? ;-)And are you're two Thai friends doing the local gansta sign in the picture? haha. JK again!

    And has it really already been a month!? WOW! Time is flying! Before you know it, you'll be back in Potosi, and I'll be well...not in North America. =P

  12. Katie! Good for you for giving in...coffee is so worth it! You should try some Thai coffee. It's SUPER sweet, but it's so good. And you will never be a horrible ex-duty partner! And it was cool to meet a monk, but I still love my pictures! I have no idea what they are doing in the picture, but yeah, probably is a gang sign... ;) I know, I can't believe it's been over a month! Tell me about it! And you're right, I will think of you all the time while I'm in Potosi (with jealousy of course!) Take care!
