25 June 2009

Elephants and Tigers and Coconuts? Oh My!

I think I'm getting worse at keeping up with this, not better.

Friday was English class as usual, but after class Saturday we went out to eat and then for a boat ride on the Chao Phraya River! It was fun even if it did rain in the end. You can see some beautiful buildings from the river. I still love Thai architecture!

You also can see some not so great architecture. There are many little houses built like this right over the water. Someone saw these pictures on my camera and asked why I wanted them. I'm sure he didn't want me showing a bad view of Thailand. I said, "Because people live in there!" Those houses matter because the people who live in them matter. And those people probably have no one among them who can tell them the gospel...

Here's me again with Mom Ote who continues to take great care of me! It was her idea to take me out on the river taxi.

We walked to a wat basically out in the jungle...okay, maybe not quite, but I did have to walk on a raised boardwalk through a banana grove.

And there were some stalls outside where we got some food. I had been wanting to try these coconuts and Jack just happened to buy me one! It wasn't very good though. Kind of a disappointment. Oh well.

There also was a baby elephant we got to feed. Now don't tell me that happens everyday in Southern Illinois!

Then, on our way back, we ran into these tigers! Or maybe that was when we went to the zoo after church Sunday. Right, while it was no STL Zoo, it wasn't bad. I had a good time.

The weekly schedule still continues mostly the same. Monday I went to prison as usual. This week the guys had a lot of questions about things they've been reading in the Bible and so forth. It is getting even greater to see them every week. Continue to pray for God's guidance in their lives and that he would continue to provide strength and encouragement to them.

Monday I also moved out of the Guest House and into the home of a missionary family. They have been great and it's nice to have some people around. I'll be here until I go to Chiang Mai July 4.

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I went to Prathunam for English classes. That is still going well. I found out today that one of the students became a Christian just seven weeks ago. Please pray for her as she grows in her faith. Wanda, the lady who teaches the English class on Thursdays and Fridays said, "It's so great to see someone so excited about reading their Bible."

In the afternoons I've been working on several excel documents for the upcoming conference, but I think I will be finished tomorrow which is such a relief! Then next week I'll be preparing for the couple coming at the end of July. So pray for me as that happens. It should be a lot of fun though.

Sorry there are no great stories to tell, but I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Everything is still beyond great, and thank you for your continued prayers!


  1. Timothy~Thanks for updating the blog! Love, love, love the pictures. And yeah, no baby elephants in Southern Illinois!!
    The pictures of the different architecture are amazing! To think we complain because it is hot here and there are people living in houses like that! And then you're right-the buildings in the background are beautiful. And I could have told you the coconut was a bad idea!
    It must be awesome to see God working in the lives of the men in prison. We will keep praying for them.
    And I'm glad the English classes are reaching people as well. A new Christian~how exciting.
    Glad you got your paper work done--that's always a good feeling.

    And tell Mom Ote-your Thai mom--that your American mom said thanks for taking such good care of you!!
    Love you lots!

  2. I WANT TO FEED A BABY ELEPHANT!!!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited that you got to do that? :)

    And those houses... Wow! My boys better not complain about anything.

    Glad to hear about how God is working in the lives of the prison men and the English class girl! I'm sure it is exciting to be a part of that.

    What is Chiang Mai? Is that another city? Or an event?

    And remember... you might have a Thai mom, but your only aunts are in the United States! haha

    The excitement in Salem... Alex's ball team finally won a game! :) lol

    Love you and miss you! Can't wait to see all the other pictures you are taking.

  3. If only we had elephants on campus instead of those stupid geese :P

    I'm loving the pictures! Glad to hear things are going well, my friend!

  4. Singing to myself..."Ring, Ring, Banana Phone..."June 25, 2009 at 4:49 PM

    WOW!! More awesome stories from Timothy in Thailand, like usual! I wish we had baby elephants around here. I was just watching Planet Earth and they had elephants on, and I was like..wow elephants are some of God's coolest animals...and that's too bad that coconuts aren't so great. Coconut flavoring goes well with vanilla to make my favorite shaved ice flavor...wedding cake! mmmm. yummy. The Tigers are slightly intimidating however...really awesome. But still. . . oh, and remember...DONT EAT THE BANANA'S!! haha.

    Glad to see you're surviving as usual. =]. I leave in 6 weeks Timothy!!!! I'm starting to really freak out...its crazy!!! But good news is, yesterday went down and looked at houses...and looks like we got one!! WOO! Its really small and cute with a HUGE backyard..I plan on planting lots of flowers =]. Dylan bought a townhouse in Alton too this week. So, you'll have lots of places to visit!

  5. Mom: Glad you like the pictures! The only time there are elephants in Salem is when the circus comes to town. I thought the architecture showed good contrast. You see a little bit of both extremes here.I had hope for the coconut, but it wasn't worth it. It has been great to get to know the guys in prison and I pray that God would continue to do great things in their lives. Thanks for the comments, and I already told Mom Ote thanks for you! lol Love you!
    Aunt Denice: No, the all caps and exclamation marks gave me no idea! lol. It was pretty cool to see that baby elephant. The houses on the river are pretty eye opening, that's for sure. It is exciting to be a part of everything, but it is especially encouraging to hear stories of what God is doing here. And right, I forgot to tell what Chiang Mai is. It's a city in the north of Thailand where I'm going for a couple weeks. I don't really even know what all I'll be doing, so I'll give more details once I'm there. Ha! you're right, my only aunts are in the States! Tell Alex congrats! I saw on facebook they've won two by now! Love and miss you too!
    Marilee: I agree! Elephants would be much better wildlife than geese! Although, the poop might be an even bigger problem then. Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope everything is well for you!
    Katie: I haven't found a banana phone yet, but you'll be the first to know! Elephants are pretty cool, I agree. yeah, I like coconut flavor too, but apparently not just plain coconut to drink, oh well. The tigers were awesome! The best thing we saw at the zoo. And don't worry, I'm not eating the bananas, haha. 6 weeks?!! That's awesome! Don't freak out, if this is God's plan for you, then it will be amazing! And congrats on the house! I can't wait to visit! Take care.
