18 June 2009

Once Upon a Time, In a Magical Land of Cabbages...

Sunday we went site-seeing again after church! We went to a place called Suan Pakkad..."the Cabbage Garden." It's actually a palace assembled by a prince. He collected several traditional Thai structures in this central place (which had been a cabbage garden) and then turned it into a museum. Here we all are outside/under one of the buildings:

It's interesting to see these traditional structures surrounded by tropical gardens, and then notice all the modern skyscrapers in the background. This particular building happens to be the 84-story Baiyoke Tower, the tallest building in Bangkok.

After we toured Suan Pakkad (admission to which costs more for farangs than Thais. I did get a free fan though, and Mart asked why I got one and I said, "I guess that's why I had to pay more.") we went out to eat. I had KFC. There are more KFCs in Bangkok than I ever see in the States in one place! Anyway, a farang is a foreigner (depending on the way it's used, it can be a simple fact or a derogatory title). It's also the word for guava. So there are lots of jokes about eating farang. And here we are again. They are better at taking pictures than I am! They always say, "Go stand there, I'll take a picture." So I do...

Monday I went to prison again. Keep praying for the guys there. Here are some names, if that helps: Jesse (the American), Stephen, Judge, Prince, Godfrey, Patrick, and the others. There is a guy here, Rick, from Arizona for three weeks helping with the prison ministry. He came with a group from his church in February and decided to come back (where have I heard this story before?). So he's here for three weeks. I got to hear a little of his testimony which is pretty cool.

He has been in prison several times. He escaped twice and once from a county jail. He was even on America's Most Wanted. When he escaped from the county jail (in Hays County, KS--I've been there!), it was in the middle of one of the biggest blizzards in Kansas history. He said he shouldn't have survived. He prayed that God would just let him die. Then he woke up two days later in a hospital in a tub of ice water. They were going to amputate his feet, but he wouldn't let them. He said he realized that for him and for many God is only an option when nothing else is. He sees himself coming back to Thailand frequently.

Tuesday and Wednesday I went to English class at Prathunam Center. This week is the last of the term, so there are no English Corners at the BSC. I did have some homework to do for the vocational English class we're teaching on Thursdays: Get a massage so I know what English is needed for that job. This sounded fine to me! So Wednesday afternoon that's what I did. I may not have mentioned this (I hate to rub it in that I got an hour long traditional Thai massage for less than $13), but one thing really struck me. The first thing they did was wash my feet. Since this doesn't happen to me everyday (well, I wash my own feet of course...), I couldn't help but think of Jesus washing the disciples' feet and how humbling that really is. Especially in this culture. In Thailand, the head is considered the most sacred part of the body. You never touch someone on the head, not even children. And the feet are considered the lowest. So you never touch anyone or anything with your feet; you don't step over anyone, and you don't show the sole of your foot to anyone. Someone here recently reminded me that Jesus was from an Asian culture, so it could have been just the same for him. That just amazes me now more than it ever has. And God never ceases to amaze me.

Unfortunately, after the massage, I got a migraine and spent the rest of the evening asleep. Please pray that that doesn't happen again.

Today, I went with Mark and Nilda to the ladies prison for the vocational English class. Mark said that there was going to be a special teacher appreciation ceremony today which is common in schools across Thailand. There were about 200 ladies assembled and various teachers were there to participate. The ceremony included some Buddhist chants and prayers, the lighting of incense before a Buddha image, and the presentation of flowers to the image and then to the teachers. So, it ended up that we didn't teach a class at all, but it was cool to see that ceremony. Buddhism isn't like Christianity or other religions in that there is no 'holy day.' They don't go to a wat (temple) on a certain day, and there's really no services. So this ceremony was kind of a unique insight into Buddhist practice.

Things are still great as always. I'm not tired of Thai food yet either! That is definitely a good thing. I can't believe my trip is almost half way over. That doesn't seem possible, but I guess it just means I'm half way to getting to tell you all the stories in person! Thanks for reading, and even more for your prayers.


  1. Really Enjoying the Disney-Like Title!!!June 18, 2009 at 8:30 AM

    WOW! You have such interesting stories to tell always! First of all, that guy from AZ...that's just an amazing testimony, I don't think I've ever heard a more hard core intense story. I wonder how he got out of his charges, or did he just finish serving his time? But what an interesting person to meet!!

    I'm still jealous of the cool sites you're seeing over there. Asian culture and architect is some pretty neato stuff! I mean, usually LaFonda's after church, but to site-see in Thailand! I think that WAY beats out my post-church goings. And you don't miss Mexican food just a little bit?? haha.

    What else...well I saw a blue PT-Cruiser the other day...and totally thought of you! AND I really had a Timothy moment the other night at home. Everything my little sibbs were saying, I started singing a song. It was great...I was lik haha I'm totally having a Timothy moment.

    Life is going well in Southern IL. I go house shopping on Tuesday!! YIKES! And I start counseling the senior high kids in about a week. AND I found out God has really been good and my sponsers have given me more than enough for my trip! Whew! Bout 6 weeks till I head out!!

  2. wow! i'm sorry you got a migraine(i'll pray about that for ya!)... its weird you got it right after your massage therapy. which i am totally jealous of, along with your site-seeing!

    also, thats a really cool point about the washing of the feet there. it's also cool how a woman( i thought it was mary) washed jesus's feet with her tears and hair, and then poured oil over them. i think that also probably has significance with the feet being the lowest part of the body-- and she honored them as if they were his head( don't you usually annoint people on the head?) I'm not exactly sure of the significance, but i thought it was cool. random facts like that make me smile!

    well, prayin for you as always!

  3. Homeschooled Weasel...that is, Aaron.June 19, 2009 at 4:20 PM

    Every time I hear Adele, I think of you!

    Sorry about my lack of commenting lately...but I'm back!

    I loved loved loved loved the story about speaking to the taxi driver in Thai! I'm so excited for you. You can teach me Thai when you come back! If you encounter a French taxi drive in Thailand, thirteen is "Treize". I'm sure that will be useful to you.


  4. Timothy, once you decided to change up the titles you really went for it--and I love them. I truly do love all you stories and especially the insight you have to many of them. (Like the washing of the feet--what great thoughts!!)
    I'm sorry about the migrane! Have you had problems with them since you left? I'm thinking maybe it has something to do with Karma--you know you get an hour massage, you 'tell' us about it, you get a migrane?? Just say'in!!

    Glad you're having so many great experiences!! And keep the blogs coming!
    We love you lots!

  5. Katie: You would love the "Disney-like title" lol! Rick does have a pretty amazing testimony, and I think eventually he just paid all his time. He never told them how he escaped those times though! Asian culture and architecture are amazing, but honestly, I do miss LaFonda! We'll have to do that as soon as we're both back on the same continent. I'm glad you thought of me and even more glad you could have your "Timothy moment" lol, that's hilarious! I'm glad so many exciting things are happening in your life! Good to hear from you as always.
    Anna: Thanks! I definitely don't want any more migraines. That is a great point about Mary washing Jesus' feet; I completely forgot about that. Thanks for the prayers!
    Aaron: I had Adele stuck in my head all day yesterday! I'm still in love with her. Glad you enjoyed the misery of my getting lost (lol). And thanks, "if I encounter a French taxi driver in Thailand"....I know there is at least one French guy in the prison I go to, but I've never met him. But thanks.
    Mom: I'm glad you like the titles! That is the first real migraine I've had the whole time (which is good, I guess), but it was not a fun one. And you may be right about the Karma thing...Thanks again. Love you.

  6. Sorry about the migraine. I hadn't been praying that you wouldn't get one this time, but I will start now. But remember last time you were in Thailand... I got the migraine! Oh well, if that's what it takes...

    I like the prisoner stories. Not sure why they interest me so much, but they do. :) Praying for Jesse and Rick.

    Glad to hear you aren't tired of Thai food. But, wouldn't you like a big plate of meatballs and texas potatoes? ;)

    Love you! Keep posting!

  7. Hey Tim. . .othy! Sounds like you are having an incredible experience! I just found out about this site - you know how up to date I am with all this online communication stuff. I hope that you continue to have a great time; Lily and I will continue to be praying for you - especially for no more migraines! We all have to go to La Fonda's when you and Katie get back! Talk (blog?) to you later :)

  8. Aunt Denice: I forgot about that! Thanks again for vicariously taking that for me :) I'm glad you like the prisoner stories. That has been one of the best parts of the trip. Thanks for your prayers. And yes! I would like a big plate of TX potatoes and meatballs and a strawberry milkshake! Anything you can do about this?
    Dylan: I am having an incredible time. It doesn't surprise me at all that you just found out about this, but thanks for reading. Thanks for your prayers! And I can't wait for LaFonda's!! That sounds amazing!
