22 July 2009

What Does a Farang Feel Like?

Here is a delayed picture from Chiang Mai. Just the view from my hotel room, but maybe you can see the mountains in the background.

After the few orientation days for Craig and Sarah, I've been involved in a new project. Three days this week and next I have been / will be teaching English in public schools. So far this has been a blast! I have to leave very early in the morning and as I was walking, I saw a monk collecting his alms. Every morning the monks go out and collect food and other necessities from people. The people then earn merit, or basically points that help them in their future lives. Women are not allowed to touch monks so they must either put their alms in his collection bowl or hand it to a man who then hands it to the monk. (When I was at the airport and they were checking tickets, the monk handed his to a man who handed to the lady and then back again.)

The school where we are teaching (a team of six: Carrie-the pastor's wife at Calvary Church, Kameron-a short term volunteer like me, and Rachel and her daughters Rebecca and Chelsie who are here for about three weeks) is in a poorer area further out from the city. We were told that this may be the first time some of these children have ever seen a farang (foreigner). They were all told to shake our hands so every time they have opportunity they come up and want to shake our hands! It's funny. There are 1,000 kids, grades K-9. Over the three days, they each will have been taught by us for an hour period. It's been a great time. I will let the pictures do the talking.

Every morning begins with a flag raising ceremony, exercises, and Buddhist prayers, followed by meditation.

We mostly taught colors and numbers, but some of the older kids learned more conversational English.

And of course every student takes his/her shoes off before entering the classroom.

We finished for lunch time, but then got to hang out for recess. That is when the hand shaking was most popular!

Teachers like to have their pictures taken too! Here are Kameron and me with the kindergarten teacher (center) and two others.

Ninth grade may have been the most fun even if at first it was most intimidating. Since some of them spoke a decent amount of English, it was easier to communicate. I'm really glad I had this opportunity.

We had an extra period today, so we had an assembly for the older grades and taught them some songs. Then they did a performance of some traditional Thai dancing. I love it when they do that!


  1. Oh Timothy! I am soooo incredibly jealous you got to go to the schools! Seriously jealous! haha I can't wait to hear all about how the schools were! I need more details about this. You know I want to go everywhere in the summers and teach... :) It looks like you had an amazing time doing this. I love the hand shaking stories! That's adorable. And the Thai dancing, did you get pulled up on stage to do some this time or were you safe and just got to watch? I think by the time you come home this time you should have perfected the dancing and we should see a live performance! What do you think? I'm guessing its a no, but at least I still have the video from the last time! Stay safe and enjoy your last couple of weeks! I'm praying for you.


  2. Timothy, These pictures are amazing!! To think such beautiful children who don't know Jesus! You have an amazing opportunity!! I'm sure you loved the handshaking! And I love the picture of all the shoes!
    Love you lots,

  3. LOVE THESE PICTURES! Can't wait to hear more stories about the school children. I would love to do that sometime!

    And... one more vote with Mallory. We'll be waiting to see your Thai dance when you get home! haha

    Love you!

    Aunt Denice

  4. Okay you three: I have been invited to bring a team next year to do the same thing! So get ready!
    Mallory: You would absolutely love it. It was so much fun. And yeah, I just got to watch the dancing this time, thank you very much. Don't count on a liver performance any time soon! haha. Thanks for your prayers. I hope everything is well with you!
    Mom: I knew you would like these pictures! It was wonderful. And thanks, I like the shoes picture too!
    Aunt Denice: You definitely could do this sometime! I would love to share more stories. Soon enough! And 'no' to the dancing :)

  5. Brother! These pictures were pretty cool I must say and it looks like tons of fun! And I would totally love to go to Thailand! . . . with a team. .. sorry I'm not so brave like you lol but you may have to buy lots of little people big world cuz not so sure how my nerves would do on a 14 hour or however long flight lol. So I'm glad your having lots of fun, but I will admit I am excited for you to come home. But anyway have fun on the rest of your trip and I will keep praying for you!


  6. Ebbe: I'm glad you liked them. You definitely should come to Thailand! We could do the same thing. I think you could handle a 14 hour plane ride. After the first hour, it's all the same :) I'm excited to see everyone. I can't believe I'll be home in a week! Thanks for your prayers.

  7. Ahh!! I love the shoe picture and it sounds amazing that they did some traditional dancing and everything! I'm jealous. And I can hardly believe the summer is coming to an end. Maybe it is true the older you get the faster the time flies. I didn't think it was possible, but this is pretty unreal. I'm coming home in a week. No more Chinese family who think I'm crazy. And you're coming back soon. Man! Enjoy the last week or so that you have left. I can't wait to hear about it all!! We HAVE to get together soon. (And it just so happens I drive ALL the time in all this Chicago traffic that driving is no problem! It took me an hour to go 10 miles the other day, so I think seeing you soon is doable.) Have a lovely lovely day! :)

  8. Hi Timothy---Lots of us Salem FBC folks are following your amazing mission trip. The photos are beautiful. Just reporting your mom and aunt did another fantastic job with VBS year. It's ok if you're proud of them--we all are. Anyhoo--it's been great following your life these few weeks. Thanks for representing FBC and doing what we'd love to do but can't. Jo Stallings

  9. oh geesh timothy! you get a lot of comments! :) I just love reading your blogs! It's so crazy that your time is almost up! I can't wait to see more pictures when you get home! Still praying for you. Still praying for the people. Have you had any interaction with girls rescued from or in prevention programs for trafficking?


  10. Beth: Glad I got to facebook chat with you!! Things have been wonderful. You're right, the time has flown by and I can't believe I have but days left! Enjoy your last few days too! I can't wait to hear everything; we'll see each other soon.
    Jo: Great to hear from you! Thank you for reading. I'm glad you like the photos. I heard VBS went well; I'm sure they did wonderfully as usual. I am proud of them. Thanks again; I've had an amazing time.
    Megan: Thanks for reading! I can't believe it either. Thanks for the prayers. It seems that most of the bar girls the well works with were not trafficked, I don't know how obvious that problem is, I'll ask though. Hope you're well. (Have you already gone and returned from Mexico?--If so, I hope it was amazing!)

  11. WOW!!

    How cool was that to go teach at a school?!?!?! AWESOME! And 1,000 kids! Thats intense!!! Teaching in Thailand .... reminds me of a movie... hmmm... LOL. Blackburn college actually did their summer production as The King and I. =P. That would be totally awesome to do, just go teach English at a school =] =].

    Miss ya Timothy! Its almost time for us to switch lives now! You back in thes states and me off this continent!! But who knows maybe I'll just show up at Bluff during training...or we should get coffee when ur not decorating your wing because I'll be moving in like the 17th! (Though, actually you may be off to Potosi by then...oh well we'll figure it out! )

    Have a safe flight back!!! =]

  12. Katie: It was awesome, actually! One of my favorite parts of the whole trip! Haha, you're right. Last I heard, it's still illegal here, and understandably so. Maybe you should come teach English here next year ;) I miss you too! You're right, we are about ready to switch lives; I'm glad I can pass on the torch. You're gonna love it. And we have to get coffee ASAP!!! Not kidding. We'll work it out.
