01 August 2009

Leaving On a Jet Plane, Don't Know When I'll Be Back Again

Well, everyone, this is it. I made the rounds, said the goodbyes, packed my bags, and leave for Suvarnabumi Airport (pronounce 'suwanapum') in an hour and a half.

It's gonna be a long trip.

27 hours.

But I'll be back in Salem by Sunday morning. As you could tell in my (perhaps overly dramatic) last post, I am sad to leave, but I think I've had some time to prepare myself and returning will be great too. I'm excited to see everyone again!

This summer has been so much more than I ever could have asked for. I have been able to hear about and even witness God doing some great things in Thailand and throughout Southeast Asia. I have met some truly amazing people--both Thai and American. I have grown to love, even more, the excitement and uniqueness of this city.

I really hoped that God would give me a clear call or direction in regards to my future contact with Thailand, but, honestly, that didn't come. I still have no idea what God has in store for me, my life, missions, etc. I do feel like I will come back to Thailand for some length of time, and I hope, at minimum, it will be next summer. I hope some of you will join me! I'm not kidding :)

I honestly cannot think of a single major negative experience. Sure, there was awkwardness at times (that is normal for me), but nothing that really dampened my spirit or caused me to rethink my decision to come. If anything, it was constantly reinforced.

Thank you all for reading and commenting about my experiences as related through this blog. It has been a blast to share it with you and to hear from you. And thank you most of all for your prayers; they were often felt and greatly appreciated! You may never know just how much of a blessing you have been.

Please continue to pray for:
-Me as I readjust to life on the other, other side of the world, start school and work again, etc.
-God to continue to move in the hearts of Thai people, to save them
-My friends: Joe, Jack, Mart, and Chuan (and many others)
-The prison ministry and the men and women in Thai prisons
-The other various ministries in Bangkok such as the Baptist Student Center
-The International Mission Board as it is restructured, and the IMB missionaries as they continue to work, many in new capacities
-A movement of authentic, indigenous Thai Christianity

Thanks again for reading! I hope this won't be the end, so keep checking for new posts. They may not be as exciting, but my readjustment could offer some funny stories!--I'll try not to drive on the left side of the road...

In Christ,


  1. It is great to have you home!! Can't wait to hear all your stories!! I'm sure if you continue praying and listening God will show you what he has in store for you. Just trust.
    And thanks for the nativity set!!
    Love you lots!!

  2. We are glad you are home, Timothy! Is there going to be a slide show? :)

    Maybe some people WILL go back with you next year!?!?

    Aunt Denice

  3. Thanks! And I hope "some people" WILL go back next year!
