28 April 2009

I'm Going to Thailand!

As you know by now, I'm spending this summer with the International Mission Board in Bangkok, Thailand.  I leave May 13 and will be there until Aug 1.  I decided to publish a blog as a way to share my experiences with all of you while I'm gone.  I hope you enjoy, and please comment; it will make me feel like it's worth while.  Hopefully I'll keep up with this thing pretty regularly, but let's be honest, who really knows?

The plan is to keep you all up to date with what I do while I'm there--as of right now, I don't even know all I'll be doing--and share prayer requests so you also can be involved in God's plan for Bangkok and the Thai people.  This is going to be an exciting summer; I know I'm going to learn a lot and hopefully change a lot too.  I hope you'll join me!

Also bear in mind that I'm new to this whole blog thing, so I don't really know what I'm doing.  If this blog is different than any other, it's probably not that I'm cool and original, just clueless.  Oh well, hopefully it will be worth your time to follow my experiences.  One last thing: I'm still not sure how I feel about the title, but it is what it is.  Thanks for reading!


  1. I think you did a great job! And I love the name. I have a blog on here too so I think I can follow you(if I can figure out how to do that!) I'll continue to pray for you as you prepare to go (and leave us all for the summer!). Sorry.....I had to whine once. But remember-no matter how much I whine I AM very proud of you!

  2. Timothy we're only going to read this if its full of wit, sarcasm, and photos! We'll pray for you either way, but our demands on the blog stand firm!!

  3. So, as your big sister...I also need to protest you going just once...do you really have to be gone for the whole summer?? Ok, it's over & out of my system. Now, I can't wait to hear about your summer! (PS - I'm still hoping that you'll meet a kid for us to adopt while you're there...preferrably a baby.)

  4. Okay... here's a comment! Excited about your blog, love the title (fits you very well), and.... see if YOU can record a song to be playing while we are reading your blog. That would be super duper cool! Requests... the orphan song, Amazing Grace - My Chains are gone, or Mary, Did you know? Just saying..

    And... do I have to have a blog to get my name to come up like Tanya's? I can't figure that one out.

    Aunt Denice

  5. Dear Timothy... the stalking has begun! :) But, if you hadn't said you were clueless, i would have thought you were cool and innovative. actually, i don't know what a normal blog looks like either. and i totally agree with the photos thing!!! photo it up while you are there... i mean, you only get to go to thailand once... or so you thought! haha wow that was lame. but seriously, have fun! see you when you get back fo sho!

  6. Well Everyone, thanks for the comments. I'm glad the name has met with some approval. Thanks for the encouragement, and yes, I'm really going, but thanks for missing me! Thanks for the prayers; they're greatly appreciated and greatly needed. Sarah: I'll see what I can do about a kid, but no promises. As far as the music thing, Aunt Denice, not so sure about that... And I have no idea how to make your name appear. Anna, stalk away! and your post was not lame at all, it made me laugh. Tanya, I'll do my best to provide you with humor, wit, sarcasm, and pictures! Thanks again!!
